Thank you for taking the time to fill out a DPR Guinea Pig Adoption Application!
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Applicant Age*
Please list the ages of all persons living at this residence.*
Do all members of your household favor having a guinea pig?
Tell us about you and your family, and why you are interested in adopting?*
Have you ever had a guinea pig before?
Does any member of your household have allergies to animals or hay? *
Where will your guinea pig live? (ex - Indoor, outdoor, cage, exercise pen, etc)*
What will you feed your guinea pig? *
Can you commit to proper veterinary care for your guinea pig? What is your limit on vet expenses?*
Your current and/or past Vet's name and phone number. *
Personal Reference (name, email address or phone number, and relationship to you)*
Please list any pets you currently have:*
If you currently have other animals, how do they interact with small animals? *
If something were to happen to you and you were no longer able to care for your pets, what would you do with them?*
Have you ever surrendered any animals to a shelter or had to rehome a pet? If so, why?*
Which of our available pets are you most interested in? Choose an animal: Alice Beedle Beedle & Tizzy! Cheesecake & Funfetti Cinnamon Bun Delilah Ganon Gypsy Leopard gecko Luca Macrinus Milo Nancy Robin & Sparrow Tizzy Zelda - Adoption Pending
Anything else you would like to tell us, or any other comments you may have?